How to Get Support for Someone with Alzheimer’s

26 July 2018
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Despite significant advances in recent times, scientists are still not close to a cure for Alzheimer's disease, a terrible and progressive illness that is affecting elderly Australians with devastating effect. This form of dementia can appear at quite an early age, but normally affects people as they enter their 70s and 80s.  If you have a parent who has this affliction, then you will, unfortunately, face some significant challenges as you make sure they are cared for and may need to reach out to others. Read More …

Toe-Walking and Autism: Can a Podiatrist Help?

6 June 2018
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Autistic kids may suffer from problems with their legs and feet if they have gait or walking issues. For example, some kids with autism will walk on their tip-toes a lot of the time. This habit can ultimately affect muscle and joint flexibility and, if this happens, you may be advised to see a podiatrist. What can a podiatrist do to help fix toe-walking problems? Assessing Tip-Toe Habits There may not be an obvious reason why your child toe walks; it simply happens with some autistic kids. Read More …

3 Benefits of Living in a Retirement Community

30 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently retired, you may be thinking about selling your home and moving into a retirement village. Moving into a retirement village can bring many benefits to your life. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about the benefits of living in a retirement village. Improved security Retirement villages typically offer a greater level of security than that provided by your residential home. A retirement complex will typically feature a security team to monitor the area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Read More …

3 Ways to Prevent Falls in Hearing-Impaired Seniors

3 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a senior-aged friend or family member, you're likely already aware of the risk of falls older adults face. Research showed that over a 12 month period, a whopping 25% of Australians in their 60s and 40% of those in their 70s suffered a fall, with almost 1/3 of these falls resulting in serious injuries. What's worse is that the risk becomes greater for seniors with hearing difficulties. A Johns Hopkins study showed that even mild hearing loss makes people three times more likely to have a history of falling. Read More …